
What would you do?

Cloaks vs
Tundra Orcs

Grognack took some damage, nevertheless he stays fearless and is advancing. Full health Shonk and Targan are nearby. Vlox resources are limited. What tricks does he have up his sleeve?
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Postet by: massimo
22. June 2022
Gunner to C2
Copy Gunner with Vlox. Attach Moto Boots to Gunner and force him 2 spaces up. Move Bandit 2 spaces down in front of your Gate. Then move Gunner to D4 next to the Fighter. Force and move Vlox in front of the enemy Gate.
Go all in on Grognack. Vlox attacks Grognack and uses Cover Fire to force the Gunner up to D5 in front of Grognack. Gunner gets another 3 dice on Grognack and forces Bandit up one to D4 next to the Fighter. Bandit attacks Fighter for 1.
Play Smoke Bomb on Gunner. Since you have 0 Magic, you have to build at least 1 card. Bandit, although it is your last one, has to go. A Sniper could be helpful next turn, you still got 2 in your draw pile, building it is debatable.
Although in the game I went with a different turn, here I suggest a much more aggressive approach. You get 6 ranged dice on Grognack, bringing him down to 5 life with average dice. In the best case you are going to end the game in the next 2 turns. Sniper, Sin-Sin's ability and your Gunner with Moto Boots can help you getting to Grognack. Of course this turn got its risks, Grognack might still have 1 Freeze and 2 Gates which would make an escape way easier. On the other hand with a Charger, a Smasher and For Glory he could do a lot of damage, even more with Brutal Force. He still has access to all the cards.
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22. June 2022
A small variation, maybe even better, would be to summon Gunner to B3, attaching Moto Boots to her and then attack Grogack with Gunner (from B5), forcing Vlox up, attacking with him and make a final attack with the Bandit who was forced up by Vlox. Protect the Gunner with Smoke Bomb. Vlox is still protected and you got one more die on Grognack.
23. June 2022
The variation from the comment has an upside I value a lot: our Gunner with Smoke Bomb is blocking whatever might be coming from B6. Barring Grognack's Primal Fury, Vlox is reachable only by 1 Fighter which is quite safe. Regardless of variation the major risk I see is the future possibility of encirclement with what Orcs already have on the right side of the board and what will be summoned on the top-left side. I'm not even sure whether I'd personally go with your plan or with mine, but now we have added fun of approaching this from multiple angles.
Postet by: Adamant3Run
23. June 2022
Bandit on E2
Bandit on D5 gets Moto Boots - this is one is copied by Vlox. Barefoot Bandit from E2 moves (1/3) to F3 Vlox uses Moto Boots from C1 to E1, then moves (2/3) to E2. Motorised Bandit uses Moto Boots from D5 to D3. Optionally - Sin Sin may use the last move (3/3) to either B1 or E1.
Shonk learns the synergy of Gang Up the hard way: 2 Bandits to his sides have 3 swords each, Vlox in front of him has 5 bows (~90% chance for 7+ dmg, ~48% chance for 9+ dmg, one-turn-kill chance of ~4% shouldn't be taken seriously).
Casting smoke bomb on D3 secures our boots and gate. First option is to pass with Sniper+Gunner in hand and decide to summon either one of them for our 1 mana next turn. The second option is to convert Sniper to the second mana point in order to summon Gunner + whatever 1-drop potentially fills our hand.
What this moves costs us: - Barefoot Bandit on F3 is probably done. - Vlox should expect 3-4 dmg on the following turn. - Although Motoboots are secure for the next turn, they are attached to the last Bandit alive which isn't ideal long-term solution. What this moves gives us: + We've just traded 1 Bandit and (approximately) 3-4 Vlox HPs to drop Shonk to (approx) 2-4HP danger zone. This means he won't be much of a shield anymore and enables us to pick any unit on the board (except for Grognack, of course) to eliminate on the following turn. The biggest advantage of this approach is finding relatively safe, defensive position in this rather dire situation: +Tundra Orcs won't get much out of their following turn (but Cloaks will). +If unlucky and/or not careful, Tundra Orcs may overextend. + If need be, after the opponent's turn, Vlox is able to retreat to E1 and shoot or even escape the danger entirely by utilisation of move plus Boots to B1/C1.
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24. June 2022
What worries me about the defensive approach is that it is gonna be very tough to win the long game. Cloaks have 10 cards left in their draw pile, 4 of them are events and 1 Gate. Admiral and 3 Machinist are already gone (according to the game history), so unit wise there is not much left. Equipping the Bandit with Moto Boots is not ideal, does not feel strong to me.
Postet by: Voltoir
23. June 2022
Bandit to E2
Bandit (D5) to D3, Bandit (E2) to F3, Sin-Sin to E2
3 attacks to Shonks (8 melee Dice Av. 6.67 dmg)
Smoke bomb to Bandit on D3
Very safe approach, the only thing enemy can attack next turn is Bandit on F3 (prolly will die) and Shonk will attack sin-sin for 3-4 dmg. You will have 2 mana next turn for Sniper-moto boots.
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23. June 2022
This approach is even more defensive than mine - offers similar end position. The trade-off is a little different: Vlox doesn't receive dmg but there are less dice hitting Shonks.
Postet by: Aaronvw8
27. June 2022
Sniper to E2 Gunner to B3
Copy the Gunner with Vlox. Move the Gunner up 1 and Bandit down one. Move Vlox up 2.
Attack the Fighter with the Gunner and hope for 3/3, either way move Vlox up against the Gate. Attack Grog with Vlox and then move the Bandit in to cover that side. Attack Grog with Sniper or maybe attack the Fighter if you didn't kill it.
Use Smoke Bomb to help protect Vlox's flank by playing it on the Bandit. Don't build any magic.
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