
What would you do?

Skyspear Avians vs
Polar Dwarves

Ava just got hit by a Frost Shaman. Svara is open but sits at 10 health. Does she take revenge? Be aware of Frost Axe and more importantly of Ice Ram!
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Postet by: OrangeLazarus
13. July 2022
Move ava behind your 10 health gate, and move both stewards on either side of her
Attack the parapet with one steward, which you have a 75% chance of destroying. Then the other steward attacks the ice Smith. If you don't get the kill, you can finish him off with the sage, otherwise take a shot at his gate with the sage.
If you have a gate or an aerie gate left in your draw pile, you could discard the gate for magic. Otherwise, I don't mind holding on to all those cards given the how late in the game it is. If Svara responds by retreating, you can use your units in that gate to start re-establishing a strong formation on the other side of the board.
Given the description, I am assuming that a ram/shift is a possibility for PD. If Svara has one or more ice golems in her hand, you are at risk of dying to ram/shift. Also, PD has established a pretty strong position on the left side of the board. Given that Ava is enjoying a slight economic advantage, why not take the time to maneuver away from the side of the board where they have a strong setup, get a couple more magic from the units you have on the board, and force PD to bring the fight to the other side of the board. By the end of the turn, you will have a strong magic advantage and plenty of options to counter whatever Svara might throw your way.
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15. July 2022
It is not an exciting move, but I think it is the right call. Svara is still sitting on two Rams and two Shifts and you need to minimize the damage she is able to do. Svara still has a lot of tools to barricade (1 Parapet and Ice Golems which she can drop after the move phase). Getting two Magic this turn by killing the Parapet and the Ice Smith souds pretty good. For reliably killing that Sage she has to bring a second unit to the field.
Postet by: wreflect
15. July 2022
1. Play Gathering Song 2. Diver on C2 (Sudden Strike) 3. Sentinel on D3
1. Sentinel to D5 2. Ava to D3 3. Steward B1 to B3
1. Build Gate on E3
1. Sentinel Attacks Svara 2. Diver attacks Ice Smith 3. If Diver doesn't kill, Steward attacks Ice Smith. 4. If Diver kills, Steward attacks Frost Mage
I think that makes Ava safe and prepares you for some Sky Assault next round. Hopefully you draw Battle Song!
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