Glossary Take a look at all the in game terms


If Mugglug and a Mud Drudger adjacent to her are both dealt damage at the same time (for example, by Volcanic Blast or Mortar) is the damage to Mugglug prevented by the Mud Drudger’s Prune ability?
Yes. Damage is “added” simultaneously to Mugglug and the Mud Drudger. (See Simultaneous Effects, Exceptions, FAQ p.15). When the damage “would be” added to Mugglug, Prune triggers and changes that effect into destroying the Drudger–before the damage on the Drudger destroys it. This also means the user of Volcanic Blast or Mortar gains no magic from the Drudger, as the Drudger is destroyed by Prune and not by the damage.

Mud Drudger
Does using the Turret or Mortar Upgrade events count as an attack?
No. Their effects are not attacks, are not considered to deal damage from an attack, and do not count towards your three attacks per turn.
Mortar Upgrade
Turret Upgrade
During my turn, can I use Undead Archer’s Soul Shift to take the space of a destroyed Spore Carrier to prevent that Spore Carrier from placing a Fungal Beast?
Yes. You choose the order in which to resolve Soul Shift and Fungal Transformation. The second effect will not resolve because the space is not empty anymore and a unit cannot be placed there.
Fungal Beast
Spore Carrier
Undead Archer
What is special about active events?
These events have the keyword ACTIVE on them. The text after the word ACTIVE is considered to be in effect for as long as the event is in a player's active area. Your active events are discarded at the start of your turn (unless specified otherwise).

You cannot play an active event if you already have an active event with the same name in play.

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