League 4.2

Season 22

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Name Games Won Lost
TheRealLlama 10 9 1
Shoots 10 7 3
alastair2 10 6 4
quadroskeptic 10 4 6
Schrift 10 3 7
Alberto 10 1 9


Mountain Vargath vs Savanna Elves * quadroskeptic vs TheRealLlama
Mountain Vargath * vs Savanna Elves TheRealLlama vs quadroskeptic
Mountain Vargath vs Savanna Elves alastair2 vs Schrift
Mountain Vargath * vs Savanna Elves Schrift vs alastair2
Mountain Vargath * vs Savanna Elves Shoots vs Alberto
Mountain Vargath vs Savanna Elves * Alberto vs Shoots
The Forged * vs Sand Goblins quadroskeptic vs Schrift
The Forged vs Sand Goblins * Schrift vs quadroskeptic
The Forged vs Sand Goblins * alastair2 vs Alberto
The Forged * vs Sand Goblins Alberto vs alastair2
The Forged * vs Sand Goblins Shoots vs TheRealLlama
The Forged * vs Sand Goblins TheRealLlama vs Shoots
Polar Dwarves vs Phoenix Elves * quadroskeptic vs Alberto
Polar Dwarves vs Phoenix Elves * Alberto vs quadroskeptic
Polar Dwarves vs Phoenix Elves * alastair2 vs Shoots
Polar Dwarves vs Phoenix Elves * Shoots vs alastair2
Polar Dwarves * vs Phoenix Elves Schrift vs TheRealLlama
Polar Dwarves vs Phoenix Elves * TheRealLlama vs Schrift
Skyspear Avians * vs Breakers quadroskeptic vs Shoots
Skyspear Avians * vs Breakers Shoots vs quadroskeptic
Skyspear Avians vs Breakers * alastair2 vs TheRealLlama
Skyspear Avians * vs Breakers TheRealLlama vs alastair2
Skyspear Avians vs Breakers Alberto vs Schrift
Skyspear Avians vs Breakers Schrift vs Alberto
Obsidian Dwarves * vs Eternal Council quadroskeptic vs alastair2
Obsidian Dwarves vs Eternal Council * alastair2 vs quadroskeptic
Obsidian Dwarves * vs Eternal Council Shoots vs Schrift
Obsidian Dwarves vs Eternal Council * Schrift vs Shoots
Obsidian Dwarves vs Eternal Council * Alberto vs TheRealLlama
Obsidian Dwarves vs Eternal Council * TheRealLlama vs Alberto
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