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Season 18
Division Games Winrate
Total 94 48.9 %
Div 1 6 50.0 %
Div 2 24 37.5 %
Div 3 24 58.3 %
Div 4 24 58.3 %
Div 5 16 37.5 %
Friendly Match Live Play - Phoenix Elves (Waterd) vs Wayfarers (Jexik)

Comment Section

Postet by: Pursewarden
7. October 2023
I have to say I'm pleasantly surprised at how close this matchup ended up being! It feels like PE has such good tools for shutting down what WF wants to do between their damage mitigation and their ability to do so much damage outside of Attack Phase. But WF is also one of those factions where it's always going to be nerve-wracking to try to play around all their tricks, and if they can get deep into enemy territory with a gate or two they're extremely hard to shake off.

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