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Division Games Winrate
Total 60 56.7 %
Div 1 4 75.0 %
Div 2 8 50.0 %
Div 3 16 56.3 %
Div 4 32 56.3 %
Match between PassiveAssasin (PE) and Ciabatta Bread (SE) 02/11/2021
Friendly match LIVE play - Phoenix Elves (WaterD) vs Savanna Elves (Jexik)

Comment Section

Postet by: Airstone
18. January 2022
Like other match ups, PE needs to keep SE from building up boosts. They have the tools in general but need to be on point or will fall apart. Don't put ember mages or a weak common in front of Mal in a position to be double attacked by border guards. Try to keep formation, champs, and structures into a position to limit Rhino Tramples.

Postet by: Aaronvw8
6. October 2021
This match up is a battle of some of the best economic factions. Both summoners are glass cannons and often players are tempted to get good use out of their attack die. However, using either summoner too much may result in a premature death. For PE they want to stop the SE from snowballing, don't let any units get too many boosts, especially the lioness. For SE you want to make the most of your opportunities to hit Mal, take big swings with CoP if possible. And for both factions maximizing your events is crucial, SoP, div ret, and burn are crucial for PE and for SE using CoE and CoP in conjunction can prove fatal for opposing champions and summoners alike.

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