
Finish him!

Cloaks vs
Fallen Kingdom

A scary horde of Undead Warriors are besieging Vlox and threatening his Gates. Ret is severly damaged but about to be healed. Now or never!
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Play Out of Shadows. Bandit to C3. One Guild Gunner to C2 and one to A3.
Bandit moves to D4 behind the Warrior. Left Gunner moves to A4, the other one to C4.
Now onto the attacks. Gunner on C4 attacks Warrior on C5 and then uses Cover Fire to force the Bandit spaces up to D6. Then you activate Blind Side to place the other Gunner on D5. Bandit attacks Fire Archer in front of him to blind side the Gunner in Ret's face. 3 range dice on Ret giving a you ~96% chance for the victory!
Comment Section
27. June 2024 - 06:06
Alternate solution I found, same end attack with gunner on Ret. Summon phase: bandit C3, gunners C2 and B2, play Out of Shadows Move phase: bandit to D4, C2 gunner to C4, B2 gunner to C3 Attack phase: C3 gunner attacks D3 warrior, uses cover fire to push bandit to E4; bandit attacks archer at E5, uses Out of Shadows to move C4 gunner to E6; E6 gunner shoots Ret with three ranged dice.
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